dissabte, 25 de gener del 2020


Who are we?

In order to get to know each other better we decided to create a short presentation in which we talk about our School and third year students. 

dilluns, 20 de gener del 2020


Friendship: Turkey-Spain

sixth grade student is interacting with a student from Turkey. Every week they exchange videos talking about different topics. In this video Maria is talking about some interesting facts of Spanish culture.


Etwinning project: playing together

Third grade students are doing a project about traditional games with a school from Turkey. In this blog we will post all the activities we are going to do.

dimecres, 15 de gener del 2020

Welcome to our new English corner

Welcome to our new English corner. Here is where you are going to find some activities, pictures, videos, etc that english teachers are doing in the English class.

For a tasting, we are proud to inform you that the school is participating in:

- Sharing to learn.

- E-twinning project.

- Cambridge starterts, movers & flyers (preparation and assessment).